HBC24751奇怪的计算器,模拟[USACO 2010 Nov G]Visiting Cows题解

惰性的成熟 算法基础篇 42 0
After many weeks of hard work, Bessie is finally getting a vacation!numbered 1..N. The cows have set up quite an unusual road network with exactly N-1 roads connecting pairs of cows C1 and C2 (1

After many weeks of hard work, Bessie is finally getting a vacation! After many weeks of hard work, Bessie is finally getting a vacation! numbered 1..N. The cows have set up quite an unusual road network with exactly N-1 roads connecting pairs of cows C1 and C2 (1 <= C1 <= N; 1 <= C2 <= N; C1 != C2) in such a way that there exists a unique path of roads between any two cows. FJ wants Bessie to come back to the farm soon; thus, he has instructed Bessie that if two cows are directly connected by a road, she may not visit them both. Of course, Bessie would like her vacation to be as long as possible, so she would like to determine the maximum number of cows she can visit.

HBC24751奇怪的计算器,模拟[USACO 2010 Nov G]Visiting Cows题解

标签: HBC24751奇怪的计算器 模拟[USACO 2010 Nov G]Visiting Cows题解