
素流年 算法基础篇 46 0
At the end of term, Makise Von got a poor grade. Meanwhile, EndA started to show his magic. Now Makise Von wonders if EndA's GPA is really 4.0, and he has almost made it. There arenexams, and EndA's score of the i-th exam isai. Beside, it's known that the i-th exam's proportion of the GPA ispi%. So let EndA's GPA beans, then ans=4%∑i=1npi%aians=4%cdotsum_{i=1}^np_i%cdot a_ians=4%∑i=1npi%ai Help Makise Von judge that if EndA's GPA is 4.0.

At the end of term, Makise Von got a poor grade. Meanwhile, EndA started to show his magic. Now Makise Von wonders if EndA's GPA is really 4.0, and he has almost made it. There are n exams, and EndA's score of the i-th exam is ai . Beside, it's known that the i-th exam's proportion of the GPA is pi% . So let EndA's GPA be ans , then ans=4%⋅∑i=1npi%⋅aians=4%cdotsum_{i=1}^np_i%cdot a_ians=4%⋅∑i=1n​pi​%⋅ai​ Help Makise Von judge that if EndA's GPA is 4.0.


标签: HBC206677EndAsGPA题解