
一天到晚红烧的鱼 算法基础篇 50 0
, determine weither it is possible to make all entrys of. a×b submatrices and reduce the values in the chosen matrices by 1. If possible, print "^_^" in one line, or print "QAQ" in one line.

Given a matrix M_{} M ​ of size ntimes m n×m and two integers a, b_{} a,b ​ , determine weither it is possible to make all entrys of M_{} M ​ zero by repeatedly choosing atimes b a×b submatrices and reduce the values in the chosen matrices by 1. If possible, print "^_^" in one line, or print "QAQ" in one line.


标签: HBC211822MatrixSubtraction题解