HBC51546Ants,数据结构,队列,贪心,思维maximum clique 1题解

惰性的成熟 算法基础篇 48 0
Please find a subset of S which has the maximum size while satisfying the following constraint:. The binary representations of any two numbers in this subset must have at least two different bits.If there are multiple valid subsets, please output any one of them.

You are given a set S containing n distinct positive integers a_1, a_2, ldots, a_n a 1 ​ ,a 2 ​ ,…,a n ​ . Please find a subset of S which has the maximum size while satisfying the following constraint: The binary representations of any two numbers in this subset must have at least two different bits. If there are multiple valid subsets, please output any one of them.

HBC51546Ants,数据结构,队列,贪心,思维maximum clique 1题解

标签: HBC51546Ants 数据结构 队列 贪心 思维maximum clique 1题解