HBC13889Magic Maze题解

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There is a magic maze that its roads is unidirectional and you will not arrive the same resting area if you walk alongthe road . There are n resting areas and m roads in themaze. Some roads make you get treasure, while others make you lost treasure. You should pick the place to set out and get treasure as much as possible. Note that for each road you can go through only once.

There is a magic maze that its roads is unidirectional and you will not arrive the same resting area if you walk alongthe road (the maze is acyclic). There are n resting areas and m roads in themaze. Some roads make you get treasure, while others make you lost treasure. You should pick the place to set out and get treasure as much as possible. Note that for each road you can go through only once.

HBC13889Magic Maze题解

标签: HBC13889Magic Maze题解