名校训练1381: Fortun e Test题解

旧巴黎 算法基础篇 37 0
A lot of people have played fortune Test before. Let ’ s create a new Test below.and z=26^2. Then abc can describe as 149,and abd describe as. 1416. As it is too large ,we take it mod 101 as ours fortune worth. S o abd has only 2 RP. Now I give you. a name, please tell me the worth of it.

A lot of people have played fortune Test(or called RP Test) before. Let ’ s create a new Test below. Suppose the worth of a=1, b=4,c=9 … and z=26^2. Then abc can describe as 149,and abd describe as 1416. As it is too large ,we take it mod 101 as ours fortune worth. S o abd has only 2 RP. Now I give you a name, please tell me the worth of it.

名校训练1381: Fortun e Test题解

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