HBC229246Nim游戏,数学,快速傅里叶变换(FFT)/快速数论变换(NTT)/快速沃尔什变换(FWT),博弈论,数论Magic Number Group题解

惰性的成熟 算法基础篇 60 0
SevenFirefliehas a sequence of positive integers with a length of nnn and quickly calculates all the factors of each number. In order to exercise his factor calculation ability, he has selected qqq consecutive subsequences from the sequence and found a positive integer ppp greater than 1 for each subsequence, so that ppp can divide as many numbers in this subsequence as possible. He has also found that ppp may have more than one. So the question is, how many numbers in each subsequence can be divided at most?

SevenFireflie has a sequence of positive integers with a length of nnn and quickly calculates all the factors of each number. In order to exercise his factor calculation ability, he has selected qqq consecutive subsequences from the sequence and found a positive integer ppp greater than 1 for each subsequence, so that ppp can divide as many numbers in this subsequence as possible. He has also found that ppp may have more than one. So the question is, how many numbers in each subsequence can be divided at most?

HBC229246Nim游戏,数学,快速傅里叶变换(FFT)/快速数论变换(NTT)/快速沃尔什变换(FWT),博弈论,数论Magic Number Group题解

标签: HBC229246Nim游戏 数学 快速傅里叶变换(FFT)/快速数论变换(NTT)/快速沃尔什变换(FWT) 博弈论 数论Magic Number Group题解