HBC24962[网络流24题]星际转移问题[USACO 2008 Mar B]Statistics题解

凸凸曼凸凸 算法基础篇 46 0
The cows have enrolled in elementary statistics and are having a tough time with their homework. Please help them.

The cows have enrolled in elementary statistics and are having a tough time with their homework. Please help them. Given a set of N (1 <= N <= 500) numbers, Xi (-5,000 <= Xi <= 5000), calculate two statistics: * The mean (sum of the numbers divided by N) * The median (if N is odd, the middle number when the N numbers are sorted; if N is even, the mean of the two middle numbers when the N numbers are sorted) Your answer will be considered correct if it is within 0.002 of the official answer.

HBC24962[网络流24题]星际转移问题[USACO 2008 Mar B]Statistics题解

标签: HBC24962[网络流24题]星际转移问题[USACO 2008 Mar B]Statistics题解