
上官魅 算法基础篇 42 0
Yuki gets a binary string“01”. Every day, the digits in the string will increase themself by 1, which means that “0”becomes “1”and “1”becomes “10”. For example, the second day Yuki owns “110”, and the third day he owns “10101”.After n days, he gets a very long string, and he wants to know how many 0 and 1 are in the string.

Yuki gets a binary string “01”. Every day, the digits in the string will increase themself by 1, which means  that “0” becomes “1” and “1” becomes “10”. For example, the second day Yuki owns “110”, and the third day he owns “10101”. After n days, he gets a very long string, and he wants to know how many 0 and 1 are in the string.


标签: HBC214624求最大值 数据结构 线段树Counting0and1instring题解