HBC229643Tree,动态规划,树形dpProblem D. maxsum题解

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S,the person who made the question wants to know the top

Give you  n n numbers a_i a i ​ , define S_{(l, r)}=sumlimits_{i=l}^r a_i (1 leq l leq r leq n) S (l,r) ​ = i=l ∑ r ​ a i ​ (1≤l≤r≤n), obviously There are dfrac{n times (n+ 1)}{2} S 2 n×(n+1) ​ S,the person who made the question wants to know the top w S wS.

HBC229643Tree,动态规划,树形dpProblem D. maxsum题解

标签: HBC229643Tree 动态规划 树形dpProblem D. maxsum题解