HBC52016FakeMathProblem,数据结构,线段树,思维Is Today Friday?题解

2拍不死你 算法基础篇 41 0
TangTang loves Friday and he has made up a list of n days which are all Friday!Each date in this list is formed as "yyyy/mm/dd", where"yyyy" is a four-digit number representing the year, "mm"is a two-digit number representing the month and "dd" is a two-digit number representing the day. TangTang only considers years between 1600 and 9999 , so each year in the list always has four digits, but the months and the days may have leading zeros when it's necessary. For example, "August 3rd, 2019" should be formed as "2019/08/03".To store safely, TangTang ciphered the list using a simple substitution cipher. He substituted each digit by a letter between 'A' and 'J' such that the same digits correspond to the same letter and different digits to different letters.Unfortunately, TangTang forgot which letter corresponds to which digit. Please help him restore the original list.

No, it's not Friday :( TangTang loves Friday and he has made up a list of n days which are all Friday! Each date in this list is formed as "yyyy/mm/dd", where "yyyy" is a four-digit number representing the year, "mm" is a two-digit number representing the month and "dd" is a two-digit number representing the day. TangTang only considers years between 1600 and 9999 (inclusive), so each year in the list always has four digits, but the months and the days may have leading zeros when it's necessary. For example, "August 3rd, 2019" should be formed as "2019/08/03". To store safely, TangTang ciphered the list using a simple substitution cipher. He substituted each digit by a letter between 'A' and 'J' such that the same digits correspond to the same letter and different digits to different letters. Unfortunately, TangTang forgot which letter corresponds to which digit. Please help him restore the original list.

HBC52016FakeMathProblem,数据结构,线段树,思维Is Today Friday?题解

标签: HBC52016FakeMathProblem 数据结构 线段树 思维Is Today Friday?题解