HBC51468qcjj想玩Iwanna,数据结构,线段树,树状数组Median题解 (jsbhasanintegersequence)

原来我爱你 算法基础篇 38 0
. He wants to play a game with SHB.Recall that the median of three numbers is the second largest one of them.

JSB has an integer sequence a_1, a_2, dots, a_n a 1 ​ ,a 2 ​ ,…,a n ​ . He wants to play a game with SHB.  For each 1 le i le n-2 1≤i≤n−2, JSB calculates the median of {a_i, a_{i+1}, a_{i+2}} {a i ​ ,a i+1 ​ ,a i+2 ​ }, denoted by b_i b i ​ . SHB is given the sequence b_1, b_2, dots, b_{n-2} b 1 ​ ,b 2 ​ ,…,b n−2 ​ . Can you help him restore the sequence a  a? Recall that the median of three numbers is the second largest one of them.


标签: HBC51468qcjj想玩Iwanna 数据结构 线段树 树状数组Median题解