HBC22397[NOI2004]郁闷的出纳员,平衡树,数据结构Deja vu of … Go Players题解

痛心疾首 算法基础篇 54 0
Rikka's opinion is much more important than the ``truth'' itself. She soon felt sleepy and fell asleep to take a trip to dreamlands in passing.Rikka found two elders playing Go game when her sanity got back. The ethereal clouds, hardy vigorous pines, and rugged rocks shocked her. A fiction isekai!Excited Rikka's eyes ran around and around and focused on the Go chessboard in the end.They seemed to be playing an unexpectedly simple game. The red player has n black piles and its opponent has m white piles at the beginning. They take turns removing any positive number of chess pieces from arbitrary one of their assigned piles. Red goes first, and the player who first removes all chess pieces assigned to oneself ``wins'', and the other player has to drink.Drinking is illegal for minors in Japan, so Rikka wonders if she can ensure to win when she is the red player.

An ordinary sequence rather than magic codes? Rikka's opinion is much more important than the ``truth'' itself. She soon felt sleepy and fell asleep to take a trip to dreamlands in passing. Rikka found two elders playing Go game when her sanity got back. The ethereal clouds, hardy vigorous pines, and rugged rocks shocked her. A fiction isekai! Excited Rikka's eyes ran around and around and focused on the Go chessboard in the end. She found that the two players, wearing white and red respectively, were not playing Go game --- they divided the black and white chess pieces into some piles, and were taking turns removing them. They kept silent for her questions, so Rikka had to stand there and keep her eyes on the chessboard. They seemed to be playing an unexpectedly simple game. The red player has n black piles and its opponent has m white piles at the beginning. They take turns removing any positive number of chess pieces from arbitrary one of their assigned piles. Red goes first, and the player who first removes all chess pieces assigned to oneself ``wins'', and the other player has to drink. Drinking is illegal for minors in Japan, so Rikka wonders if she can ensure to win when she is the red player.

HBC22397[NOI2004]郁闷的出纳员,平衡树,数据结构Deja vu of … Go Players题解

标签: HBC22397[NOI2004]郁闷的出纳员 平衡树 数据结构Deja vu of … Go Players题解