
arkfactor 算法基础篇 43 0
There is an infinite plane. White Cloud has n lines which are not parallel to the Oy axis. These lines in the plane are in the form y=ax+b. White Rabbit will have a trip in the plane. It will start at time 0 and go straight along a line. specifically, White Rabbit uses 2 parameters C and D,denoting that at time x, White Rabbit is at the position. If at some time, White Rabbit is located at one of White Cloud's lines, White Cloud will receive a message immediately. White Rabbit has m pairs for i=1..m. For each i=1..m, White Cloud wants to know if White Rabbit uses , when is the last time White Cloud can receive a message.

There is an infinite plane. White Cloud has n lines which are not parallel to the Oy axis. These lines in the plane are in the form y=ax+b. White Rabbit will have a trip in the plane. It will start at time 0 and go straight along a line. specifically, White Rabbit uses 2 parameters C and D,denoting that at time x, White Rabbit is at the position(x,C*x+D). If at some time, White Rabbit is located at one of White Cloud's lines, White Cloud will receive a message immediately. White Rabbit has m pairs (C[i],D[i]) for i=1..m. For each i=1..m, White Cloud wants to know if White Rabbit uses (C[i],D[i]) , when is the last time White Cloud can receive a message.


标签: HBC16631message题解