HBC244915GridColoringtextbook-like Defile题解

季陌殇 算法基础篇 49 0
Xiao A is a senior Hearthstone player. He recently learnes technology and understanding of the game from a Hearthstone good-looking anchor djw. He is very envious of djw's skills. Whenever he face

Xiao A is a senior Hearthstone player. He recently learnes technology and understanding of the game from a Hearthstone good-looking anchor djw. He is very envious of djw's skills. Whenever he faces the djw's textbook-like Defile, he always exclaims. He wants to become a player just like djw, please write a program to help him hone his skills. Since Xiao A plays the Youth version of hearthstone Legend, each player can have up to 555 minions, each of whom has corresponding health and attack power, and dies when one's health is less than 111 point. When an minion with a1a_1a1​ point attack power and h1h_1h1​ point life value attacks an minion with a2a_2a2​ point attack power and h2h_2h2​ point health value, the attack power of the two minions remains the same, and the health value becomes h1−a2h_1 - a_2h1​−a2​, h2−a1h_2 - a_1h2​−a1​ respectively. At present, the enemy has xxx minions on the field, and each minion has an iii-point attribute value (representing that both health and attack power are iii ); your own side has yyy minions, each minion has jjj-point attribute value, and each minion can do the following operation: - Select an enemy minion to attack; - No action. There is a spell card called Defile that can deals 111 damage to all minions (both enemies' and ourselves), and if it causes the death of any minion, cast this spell again. If in a certain situation, we cast just one Defile can cause the death of all minions on the field, we can say that we have reached a textbook−likeDefiletextbook-like Defiletextbook−likeDefile. If there is no minion on the field when Defile is casted, it can also be called textbook−likeDefiletextbook-like Defiletextbook−likeDefile.

HBC244915GridColoringtextbook-like Defile题解

标签: HBC244915GridColoringtextbook-like Defile题解