HBC232786回到过去,数据结构,STL,背包问题,动态规划Cross on a Plane题解

八贝勒 算法基础篇 44 0
Let us describe the “cross” shape on a plane. For this, first, we choose a square on the plane. Note that each square can be viewed as the intersection of two infinite stripes on the plane which are orthogonal to each other. These stripes have the same width which is equal to the square side, and each edge of each stripe contains one of the square sides. The cross is the union of these two stripes with the square in the center. The size of a cross is the side of its center square. There are a few important points marked on the plane. Find the cross of minimum possible size which contains all these points inside or on its border.

Let us describe the “cross” shape on a plane. For this, first, we choose a square on the plane. Note that each square can be viewed as the intersection of two infinite stripes on the plane which are orthogonal to each other. These stripes have the same width which is equal to the square side, and each edge of each stripe contains one of the square sides. The cross is the union of these two stripes with the square in the center. The size of a cross is the side of its center square. There are a few important points marked on the plane. Find the cross of minimum possible size which contains all these points inside or on its border.

HBC232786回到过去,数据结构,STL,背包问题,动态规划Cross on a Plane题解

标签: HBC232786回到过去 数据结构 STL 背包问题 动态规划Cross on a Plane题解