
凸凸曼凸凸 算法基础篇 72 0
DD wants to send a gift to his best friend CC as her birthday is coming. However, he can’t afford expensive gifts, and he is so lazy that he is not willing to do complex things. So he decides to prepare a paper cut for CC’s birthday gift, which symbolizes their great friendship~~ DD has a square colored paper which consists of n*n small squares. Due to his tastes, he wants to cut the paper into two identical pieces. DD also wants to cut as many different figures as he can but each sheet can be only cut once, so he asks you how many sheets does he need to prepare at most. for example:

DD wants to send a gift to his best friend CC as her birthday is coming. However, he can’t afford expensive gifts, and he is so lazy that he is not willing to do complex things. So he decides to prepare a paper cut for CC’s birthday gift, which symbolizes their great friendship~~ DD has a square colored paper which consists of n*n small squares. Due to his tastes, he wants to cut the paper into two identical pieces. DD also wants to cut as many different figures as he can but each sheet can be only cut once, so he asks you how many sheets does he need to prepare at most. for example:


标签: HBC14654剪纸题解