
庄子墨 算法基础篇 45 0
With powerful decision-making skills, ZYB can solve complex problems ZYB has a decimal string s{s}s of length n{n}n. He wants to split the string into several non-empty continuous substrings and minimize the difference between the maximum value and the minimum value of the gifts. The value of a continuous substring is the value of it when it's considered as a decimal number. For instance, when the string '1230' is split into '12' and '30', the values of the two parts are 12 and 30 separately. Notice that the substrings are not allowed to contain leading zero. For example, the only feasible way of splitting '001' is '0', '0' and '1'. Can you help ZYB find the fairest splitting?

With powerful decision-making skills, ZYB can solve complex problems ZYB has a decimal string s{s}s of length n{n}n. He wants to split the string into several (at least 2) non-empty continuous substrings and minimize the difference between the maximum value and the minimum value of the gifts. The value of a continuous substring is the value of it when it's considered as a decimal number.  For instance, when the string '1230' is split into '12' and '30', the values of the two parts are 12 and 30 separately. Notice that the substrings are not allowed to contain leading zero(s). For example, the only feasible way of splitting '001' is '0', '0' and '1'.  Can you help ZYB find the fairest splitting?


标签: HBC209527DividingStrings题解