
别敷衍了所有 算法基础篇 70 0
Your friend Tóti is an aspiring musician. He has writtennnnsongs,each of which has ahype ratingof either 111,222, or333.A higher hype rating means the song has more energy. Tóti is planning his first live performance and needs your help. He wants to know how manysetlistshe can make. A setlist consist of at least three songs, the first song must have hype rating111,the last song must have hype rating 333,and all other songs must have hype rating222.Tóti also wants to play the songs in the same order he wrote them. Given the hype rating of each of Tóti’s songs in the order he wrote them, how many setlists can he make?

Your friend Tóti is an aspiring musician. He has written nnn songs, each of which has a hype rating of either 111, 222, or  333.A higher hype rating means the song has more energy. Tóti is planning his first live performance and needs your help. He wants to know how many setlists he can make. A setlist consist of at least three songs, the first song must have hype rating 111,  the last song must have hype rating 333, and all other songs must have hype rating 222. Tóti also wants to play the songs in the same order he wrote them. Given the hype rating of each of Tóti’s songs in the order he wrote them, how many setlists can he make?


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