
爱的那么颓废 算法基础篇 64 0
Testing for Corona can be done individually, e.g., 100 people require 100 test kits.Alternatively, thetestcanbedoneingroups(pools),e.g.,100peoplecanbedividedintofivegroupof20people eachandthenusi

Testing for Corona can be done individually, e.g., 100 people require 100 test kits. Alternatively, the test can be done in groups (pools), e.g., 100 people can be divided into five group of 20 people each and then using only one test kid per group. If one or more groups test positive, then individual tests are needed for each person in those group. So, for our example, five groups will need 5 test kits and let’s say two groups test positive, so we would need additional 40 (2*20) test kits for a total of 45 (5+40) test kits. The Problem: Given the data for the two possible testing approaches, determine which approach will use fewer test kits.


标签: HBC223903[NOI2000]单词查找树 字典树(Trie树) 字符串ACoronaVirusTesting题解