HBC17370Playing games题解

淫家是湿人 算法基础篇 40 0
Niuniu likes playing games. He has n piles of stones. The i-th pile has ai stones. He wants to play with his good friend, UinUin. Niuniu can choose some piles out of the n piles. They will play with the chosen piles of stones. UinUin takes the first move. They take turns removing at least one stone from one chosen pile. The player who removes the last stone from the chosen piles wins the game. Niuniu wants to choose the maximum number of piles so that he can make sure he wins the game. Can you help Niuniu choose the piles?

Niuniu likes playing games. He has n piles of stones. The i-th pile has ai stones. He wants to play with his good friend, UinUin. Niuniu can choose some piles out of the n piles. They will play with the chosen piles of stones. UinUin takes the first move. They take turns removing at least one stone from one chosen pile. The player who removes the last stone from the chosen piles wins the game. Niuniu wants to choose the maximum number of piles so that he can make sure he wins the game. Can you help Niuniu choose the piles?

HBC17370Playing games题解

标签: HBC17370Playing games题解