
凯凯我们等你回来 算法基础篇 49 0
White Cloud is exercising in the playground. White Cloud can walk 1 meters or run k meters per second. Since White Cloud is tired,it can't run for two or more continuous seconds. White Cloud will move L to R meters.It wants to know how many different ways there are to achieve its goal. Two ways are different if and only if they move different meters or spend different seconds or in one second, one of them walks and the other runs.

White Cloud is exercising in the playground. White Cloud can walk 1 meters or run k meters per second. Since White Cloud is tired,it can't run for two or more continuous seconds. White Cloud will move L to R meters. It wants to know how many different ways there are to achieve its goal. Two ways are different if and only if they move different meters or spend different seconds or in one second, one of them walks and the other runs.


标签: HBC16730run题解