HBC24875爱丽丝的人偶(二),排列组合,组合数学[USACO 2009 Ope S]Hide and Seek题解

素流年 算法基础篇 53 0
Bessie is playing hide and seek (a game in which a number of players hide and a single player (the seeker) attempts to find them after which various penalties and rewards are assessed; much fun usually ensues).

Bessie is playing hide and seek (a game in which a number of players hide and a single player (the seeker) attempts to find them after which various penalties and rewards are assessed; much fun usually ensues). She is trying to figure out in which of N (2 <= N <= 20,000) barns conveniently numbered 1..N she should hide. She knows that FJ (the seeker) starts out in barn 1. All the barns are connected by M (1 <= M <= 50,000) bidirectional paths with endpoints Ai and Bi (1 <= Ai <= N; 1 <= Bi <= N; Ai neq Bi Ai  ​ =Bi); it is possible to reach any barn from any other through the paths. Bessie decides that it will be safest to hide in the barn that has the greatest distance from barn 1 (the distance between two barns is the smallest number of paths that one must traverse to get from one to the other). Help Bessie figure out the best barn in which to hide.

HBC24875爱丽丝的人偶(二),排列组合,组合数学[USACO 2009 Ope S]Hide and Seek题解

标签: HBC24875爱丽丝的人偶(二) 排列组合 组合数学[USACO 2009 Ope S]Hide and Seek题解