
上官魅 算法基础篇 61 0
Pangtextit{Pang}Pang believes that one cannot make an omelet without breaking eggs. For a subset A{A}A of {1,2,…,n}, we calculate the score of A{A}A as follows: Initialize the score as 0{0}0. For any i∈Aiin Ai∈A, add aia_iai to the score. For any pair of integers satisfying i≥2ige 2i≥2, j≥2jge 2j≥2, i∈Aiin Ai∈A and j∈Ajin Aj∈A, if there exists positive integer k > 1 such that ik=ji^k=jik=j, subtract bjb_jbj from the score. Find the maximum possible score over the choice of A{A}A.

Pangtextit{Pang}Pang believes that one cannot make an omelet without breaking eggs. For a subset A{A}A of {1,2,…,n}{1,2,ldots,n}{1,2,…,n}, we calculate the score of A{A}A as follows: Initialize the score as 0{0}0. For any i∈Aiin Ai∈A, add aia_iai​ to the score. For any pair of integers (i, j) satisfying i≥2ige 2i≥2, j≥2jge 2j≥2, i∈Aiin Ai∈A and j∈Ajin Aj∈A, if there exists positive integer k > 1 such that ik=ji^k=jik=j, subtract bjb_jbj​ from the score. Find the maximum possible score over the choice of A{A}A.


标签: HBC201171value题解