
旧巴黎 算法基础篇 47 0
June is the sixth month in the Gregorian calendar and has 30 days. It is the first month of astronomical summer in the Northern Hemisphere and astronomical winter in the Southern Hemisphere.June is named after Juno, the Roman goddess of youth and protection. Her name comes from the root word for “young” and goes back to the idea of vital energy and fertility.June is the month of youth and vitality. It has witnessed many wonderful times, such as the national college entrance examination, Colin's birthday, and of course the holding of the 6th Guangxi Collegiate Programming Contest!Now there is a person namedSSS who is going to participate in an event namedTTT in June.Please output a sentence "Good luck to SSSin TTTand have fun!

June is the sixth month in the Gregorian calendar and has 30 days. It is the first month of astronomical summer in the Northern Hemisphere and astronomical winter in the Southern Hemisphere. June is named after Juno, the Roman goddess of youth and protection. Her name (Latin Iūnō) comes from the root word for “young” (Iuuen) and goes back to the idea of vital energy and fertility. June is the month of youth and vitality. It has witnessed many wonderful times, such as the national college entrance examination, Colin's birthday, and of course the holding of the 6th Guangxi Collegiate Programming Contest! Now there is a person named SSS who is going to participate in an event named TTT in June.  Please output a sentence "Good luck to SSS in TTT and have fun!" (without quotes) to send him/her your best wishes!


标签: HBC252841Luckynumbers 搜索June题解