HBC25066最小互质数[USACO 2007 Mar L]Prime Factors题解

北笙凉宸 算法基础篇 44 0
Bessie is attending a new school where the new subject is 'prime factoring'. Bessie's homework has many integers that must be broken into prime factors.As you know, a prime number is a number greater than 1 that is divisible only by 1 and itself). Prime factors of a number are the primes that, when multiplied together, yield that number. For example, the prime factors of 36 are: 2 2 3 * 3. Bessie is getting tired of performing this operation by hand and needs you to design a program that will read in a value of N and print out, smallest to largest, one per line, all the prime factors of this number .

Bessie is attending a new school where the new subject is 'prime factoring'. Bessie's homework has many integers that must be broken into prime factors. As you know, a prime number is a number greater than 1 that is divisible only by 1 and itself). Prime factors of a number are the primes that, when multiplied together, yield that number. For example, the prime factors of 36 are: 2 2 3 * 3 Bessie is getting tired of performing this operation by hand and needs you to design a program that will read in a value of N (1 < N < 1,000,000,000) and print out, smallest to largest, one per line, all the prime factors of this number (including duplicates if they exist).

HBC25066最小互质数[USACO 2007 Mar L]Prime Factors题解

标签: HBC25066最小互质数[USACO 2007 Mar L]Prime Factors题解