HBC237053[ZJOI2012]网络,动态树(LCT),数据结构Bookshelf Filling题解

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Recently, Joseph bought lots of books and was going to put them all on the shelf. He found that there are only two types of books -- the type A with height aaaand thickness 111, and the type B with heightb(a

Recently, Joseph bought lots of books and was going to put them all on the shelf. He found that there are only two types of books -- the type A with height aaa and thickness 111, and the type B with height b (a

HBC237053[ZJOI2012]网络,动态树(LCT),数据结构Bookshelf Filling题解

标签: HBC237053[ZJOI2012]网络 动态树(LCT) 数据结构Bookshelf Filling题解