HBC24009Interval[USACO 2016 Feb G]Fencing the Herd题解

上官魅 算法基础篇 37 0
Farmer John needs your help deciding where to build a fence in the shape of a straight line to help restrict the movement of his cows. He has considered several possible fence locations and needs your help to determine which of these are usable, where a fence is considered usable if all of the cows are on the same side of the fence. A fence is not usable if there is a cow that lies directly on it. FJ will be asking you a number of queries regarding possible fence locations; a query should be answered "YES" if it corresponds to a usable fence location, "NO" otherwise. Additionally, FJ may occasionally bring new cows into the herd. When a new cow joins the herd, all fence queries from that point onward will require her to be on the same side of a fence as the rest of the herd for the fence to be usable.

Farmer John needs your help deciding where to build a fence in the shape of a straight line to help restrict the movement of his cows. He has considered several possible fence locations and needs your help to determine which of these are usable, where a fence is considered usable if all of the cows are on the same side of the fence. A fence is not usable if there is a cow that lies directly on it. FJ will be asking you a number of queries regarding possible fence locations; a query should be answered "YES" if it corresponds to a usable fence location, "NO" otherwise. Additionally, FJ may occasionally bring new cows into the herd. When a new cow joins the herd, all fence queries from that point onward will require her to be on the same side of a fence as the rest of the herd for the fence to be usable. 

HBC24009Interval[USACO 2016 Feb G]Fencing the Herd题解

标签: HBC24009Interval[USACO 2016 Feb G]Fencing the Herd题解