HBC245512打砖块(brike)Intelligent cattle raising题解

把回忆走一遍 算法基础篇 41 0
Happy Farm has many cows. Each cow can eat at least M jin of grass a day to be full. Happy Farm has an intelligent cattle raising plan: that is, if a cow gets grass in one day, the weight of grass must be the same as that of other cows, and it must be able to eat enough. Today, Happy Farm has been send N clumps of grass with different weights. As each clump of grass is delivered to cows by intelligent sorting equipment, it cannot be separated, and only one clump of grass can be delivered to a cow. Happy Farm wants to know : how many jins of grass each cow gets when the N clumps of grass is distributed to as many cows as possible. Can you help Happy Farm complete this task?

Happy Farm has many cows. Each cow can eat at least M jin of grass a day to be full. Happy Farm has an intelligent cattle raising plan: that is, if a cow gets grass in one day, the weight of grass must be the same as that of other cows, and it must be able to eat enough. Today, Happy Farm has been send N clumps of grass with different weights. As each clump of grass is delivered to cows by intelligent sorting equipment, it cannot be separated, and only one clump of grass can be delivered to a cow. Happy Farm wants to know : how many jins of grass each cow gets when the N clumps of grass is distributed to as many cows as possible. Can you help Happy Farm complete this task?

HBC245512打砖块(brike)Intelligent cattle raising题解

标签: HBC245512打砖块(brike)Intelligent cattle raising题解