
水水月牙 算法基础篇 38 0
Bob has a dictionary with N words in it. There are Moperators. Each operator is one of two kinds. 1. Add a string to the dictionary. It is guaranteed that the string s was not added before. 2. For the given string s find the number of occurrences of the strings from the dictionary. If some string p from the dictionary has several occurrences in s you should count all of them.

Bob has a dictionary with N words in it. There are M operators. Each operator is one of two kinds.   1. Add a string to the dictionary. It is guaranteed that the string s was not added before. 2. For the given string s find the number of occurrences of the strings from the dictionary. If some string p from the dictionary has several occurrences in s you should count all of them.


标签: HBC14612string题解