HBC53385ProblemC:Circles4 Buttons题解

回忆凄美了谁 算法基础篇 48 0
Bobo lives in an infinite chessboard. Initially he locates at . There are 4 buttons. When the first button is pressed, Bobo moves right for at most a cells. When the second button is pressed, Bobo moves up for at most b cells. When the third button is pressed, Bobo moves left for at most c cells. When the fourth button is pressed, Bobo moves down for at most d cells. Find the number of cells Bobo can reach modulo , if he presses the buttons for no more than n times.

Bobo lives in an infinite chessboard. Initially he locates at (0, 0). There are 4 buttons. When the first button is pressed, Bobo moves right for at most a cells. When the second button is pressed, Bobo moves up for at most b cells. When the third button is pressed, Bobo moves left for at most c cells. When the fourth button is pressed, Bobo moves down for at most d cells. Find the number of cells Bobo can reach modulo (109+7)(10^9+7)(109+7), if he presses the buttons for no more than n times.

HBC53385ProblemC:Circles4 Buttons题解

标签: HBC53385ProblemC:Circles4 Buttons题解