
八贝勒 算法基础篇 47 0
Two integersa,ba,ba,bare given. Please determine which one is bigger .Hint one : this problem can be a problem of Nowcodet April Fools Contest, but can't be a problem of CodeforcesApril Fools Contest for some reasons.Hint three: The problem-setter of this problem is careful so he absolutely makes no stupid typo.

Two integers a,ba,ba,b are given. Please determine which one is bigger (or report that they are equal). Hint one : this problem can be a problem of Nowcodet April Fools Contest, but can't be a problem of Codeforces April Fools Contest for some reasons.     Hint tow : k turns to ceo. Hint three: The problem-setter of this problem is careful so he absolutely makes no stupid typo.


标签: HBC250844兔子数列初中英格力士阅读题解