HBC24864网格游戏,动态规划,过关题目[USACO 2009 Dec B]Shorter Musical Notes题解

不可一世的小女人 算法基础篇 43 0
FJ is going to teach his cows how to play a song. The song consists of N (1

FJ is going to teach his cows how to play a song. The song consists of N (1 <= N <= 10,000) notes, and the i-th note lasts for Bi (1 <= Bi <= 120) beats (thus no song is longer than 1,200,000 beats). The cows will begin playing the song at time 0; thus, they will play note 1 from time 0 through just before time B1, note 2 from time B1 through just before time B1 + B2, etc. However, recently the cows have lost interest in the song, as they feel that it is too long and boring. Thus, to make sure his cows are paying attention, he asks them Q (1 <= Q <= 50,000) questions of the form, "In the interval from time T through just before time T+1, which note should you be playing?" The cows need your help to answer these questions which are supplied as Ti (0 <= Ti <= end_of_song). Consider this song with three notes of durations 2, 1, and 3 beats: Beat: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 ... |----|----|----|----|----|----|--- ... 1111111111 : : 22222: : 333333333333333: Here is a set of five queries along with the resulting answer: Query Note 2 2 3 3 4 3 0 1 1 1

HBC24864网格游戏,动态规划,过关题目[USACO 2009 Dec B]Shorter Musical Notes题解

标签: HBC24864网格游戏 动态规划 过关题目[USACO 2009 Dec B]Shorter Musical Notes题解