ACM训练2192: Maze题解

凸凸曼凸凸 算法基础篇 37 0
There was a man who was addicted to find the right way of the mazes. One day, by accident, he got a maze. However, because of the superior difficulty, he can't find the right way, so he ask you for help.Write a program to solve a maze by the shortest route possible.The maze should be read from the standard input. The first line of input will be the number of lines of input in the maze followed by the number of columns in each line.Each piece of the maze is defined using a single letter:. -W means this piece is a wall and cannpt be passed through. -C means this piece is a corridor and can be passed through. Each entry on the line is separated by a single space.

There was a man who was addicted to find the right way of the mazes. One day, by accident, he got a maze. However, because of the superior difficulty, he can't find the right way, so he ask you for help. Write a program to solve a maze by the shortest route possible. The maze should be read from the standard input. The first line of input will be the number of lines of input in the maze followed by the number of columns in each line. Each piece of the maze is defined using a single letter: -W means this piece is a wall and cannpt be passed through -C means this piece is a corridor and can be passed through -S means that this piece is the start location -E means that this piece is the end location Each entry on the line is separated by a single space.

ACM训练2192: Maze题解

标签: ACM训练2192: Maze题解