HBC236508[ZJOI2006]BOWL 碗的叠放,枚举Helesta题解 (youaregivennn)

爱的那么颓废 算法基础篇 35 0
If there are several possible answers, you can print any of them.

You are given n n points (x_i,y_i),;1le ile n (x i ​ ,y i ​ ),1≤i≤n and m m sets S_j={(x_i,y_i)mid A_jx_i+B_jy_i+C_j>0} S j ​ ={(x i ​ ,y i ​ )∣A j ​ x i ​ +B j ​ y i ​ +C j ​ >0} ( 1le jle m 1≤j≤m).  You need to find a permutation p_1,dots,p_m p 1 ​ ,…,p m ​ of 1, 2,dots,m 1,2,…,m, such that |S_{p_1}|+sumlimits_{i=2}^m |S_{p_i}oplus S_{p_{i-1}}|le M ∣S p 1 ​ ​ ∣+ i=2 ∑ m ​ ∣S p i ​ ​ ⊕S p i−1 ​ ​ ∣≤M, where M=1.8times 10^8 M=1.8×10 8 is a given constant and Aoplus B A⊕B means (Acup B)-(Acap B) (A∪B)−(A∩B). If there are several possible answers, you can print any of them.

HBC236508[ZJOI2006]BOWL 碗的叠放,枚举Helesta题解

标签: HBC236508[ZJOI2006]BOWL 碗的叠放 枚举Helesta题解