Listening to the rock music permutes your nuclear DNA. This astonishing and unbelievable fact was recently published in the Rock Nature Weekly, one of the top scientific journals on the planet. Par
Listening to the rock music permutes your nuclear DNA. This astonishing and unbelievable fact was recently published in the Rock Nature Weekly, one of the top scientific journals on the planet. Part of the research was to take DNA samples from volunteers, both before and after the rock concerts season. The samples were processed and various genes isolated from the samples. For each person, each gene was isolated twice: The variant before the rock season and the variant after the season. These two variants were paired and in many cases one variant was found to be some permutation of the other variant in the pair. The next step in the research is to determine how the permutations happen. The prevalent hypothesis suggests that a permutation is composed of a sequence of transpositions, so-called swaps. A swap is an event (its chemistry is not fully understood yet) in which exactly two nucleobases in the gene exchange their places in the gene. No other nucleobases in the gene are affected by the swap. The positions of the two swapped nucleobases might be completely arbitrary. To predict and observe the movement of the molecules in the permutation process, the re- searchers need to know the theoretical minimum number of swaps which can produce a par- ticular permutation of nucleobases in a gene. We remind you that the nuclear DNA gene is a sequence of nucleobases cytosine, guanine, adenine, and thymine, which are coded as C, G, A, and T, respectively.