HBC24822被3整除的子序列,动态规划,过关题目[USACO 2009 Jan G]Earthquake Damage题解

三分之二給你 算法基础篇 45 0
Wisconsin has had an earthquake that has struck Farmer John's farm!The earthquake has damaged some of the pastures so that they are unpassable. Remarkably, none of the cowpaths was damaged.

Wisconsin has had an earthquake that has struck Farmer John's farm! The earthquake has damaged some of the pastures so that they are unpassable. Remarkably, none of the cowpaths was damaged. As usual, the farm is modeled as a set of P (1 <= P <= 30,000) pastures conveniently numbered 1..P which are connected by a set of C (1 <= C <= 100,000) non-directional cowpaths conveniently numbered 1..C. Cowpath i connects pastures a_i a i ​ and b_i b i ​ (1 <= a_i a i ​ <= P; 1 <= b_i b i ​ <= P). Cowpaths might connect a_i a i ​ to itself or perhaps might connect two pastures more than once. The barn is located in pasture 1. A total of N (1 <= N <= P) cows (in different pastures) sequentially contact Farmer John via mobile phone with an integer message report_j report j ​ (2 <= report_j report j ​ <= P) that indicates that pasture report_j report j ​ is undamaged but that the alling cow is unable to return to the barn from pasture report_j report j ​ because she could not find a ath that does not go through damaged pastures. After all the cows report in, determine the minimum number of pastures (including ones that are uncrossable) from which it is not possible to return to the barn.

HBC24822被3整除的子序列,动态规划,过关题目[USACO 2009 Jan G]Earthquake Damage题解

标签: HBC24822被3整除的子序列 动态规划 过关题目[USACO 2009 Jan G]Earthquake Damage题解