HBC213983Shortest Path,树,数据结构ChineseValentine'sDay题解 (外语:godliu)

人生如戏 算法基础篇 37 0
Recently, God Liu has been so absorbed in the Pac-Man game that he has even neglected his young fans.So before Chinese valentine's day,in order to have time for him to accompany the girls, while God Liu went to the bathroom, Lao Zhao hid his computer, and told him that computer had been hidden near the date place.But Lao Zhao can't tell him where the computer has been hidden. Lao Zhao tell God Liu N numbers, the answer is the sum of all the numbers that have appeared in n numbers.For example, in 123 there are 1,2,3,12,23,123, Gao Liu are so excited,he decides to pick up the computer after the date night.But he is too busy,sou he ask you to help him,Do you know the answer?

Recently, God Liu has been so absorbed in the Pac-Man game that he has even neglected his young fans.So before Chinese valentine's day,in order to have time for him to accompany the girls, while God Liu went to the bathroom, Lao Zhao hid his computer, and told him that computer had been hidden near the date place.But Lao Zhao can't tell him where the computer has been hidden. Lao Zhao tell God Liu N numbers, the answer is the sum of all the numbers that have appeared in n numbers(mod 1e9+7).For example, in 123 there are 1,2,3,12,23,123。 Gao Liu are so excited,he decides to pick up the computer after the date night.But he is too busy,sou he ask you to help him。Do you know the answer?

HBC213983Shortest Path,树,数据结构ChineseValentine'sDay题解

标签: HBC213983Shortest Path 数据结构ChineseValentine'sDay题解