HBC51700Byfibonacci,组合数学,容斥原理与鸽巢原理,枚举,思维generator 3题解

一天到晚红烧的鱼 算法基础篇 59 0
However, as you might already have guessed, the value of n is very large!So you'll use the following generator to generate all those points:

Here is another simple problem: Given n points in the 2-dimensional plane, please calculate the area of the convex hull. However, as you might already have guessed, the value of n is very large! So you'll use the following generator to generate all those points: You are given nine integers x_0, y_0, a_x, a_y, b_x, b_y, p_x, p_y, n x ​ ,y ​ ,a x ​ ,a y ​ ,b x ​ ,b y ​ ,p x ​ ,p y ​ ,n. There are two recursive equations: x_i= (a_x * x_{i-1} + b_x) mod p_x x i ​ =(a x ​ ∗x i−1 ​ +b x ​ )modp x ​ and y_i= (a_y * y_{i-1} + b_y) mod p_y y i ​ =(a y ​ ∗y i−1 ​ +b y ​ )modp y ​ for all 0 < i < n. The given n points are (x_i, y_i) (x i ​ ,y i ​ ) for 0 le i < n 0≤i

HBC51700Byfibonacci,组合数学,容斥原理与鸽巢原理,枚举,思维generator 3题解

标签: HBC51700Byfibonacci 组合数学 容斥原理与鸽巢原理 枚举 思维generator 3题解