HBC25999CCA的搬运,贪心,模拟Icebound and Sequence题解

庄子墨 算法基础篇 48 0
Icebound hates math. But Imp loves math. One day, Imp gave icebound a problem. The problem is as follows. S=modpS = mod pS=modp For given q,n,p, you need to help icebound to calculate the value of S.

Icebound hates math. But Imp loves math. One day, Imp gave icebound a problem. The problem is as follows. S=(∑i=1nqi) mod pS =(sum_{i=1}^n q^i) mod pS=(∑i=1n​qi) mod p For given q,n,p, you need to help icebound to calculate the value of S.

HBC25999CCA的搬运,贪心,模拟Icebound and Sequence题解

标签: HBC25999CCA的搬运 贪心 模拟Icebound and Sequence题解