HBC24613选人[USACO 2011 Jan S]Profits题解

凸凸曼凸凸 算法基础篇 49 0
The cows have opened a new business, and Farmer John wants to see how well they are doing. The business has been running for N (1

The cows have opened a new business, and Farmer John wants to see how well they are doing. The business has been running for N (1 <= N <= 100,000) days, and every day i the cows recorded their net profit P_i P i ​ (-1,000 <= P_i P i ​ <= 1,000). Farmer John wants to find the largest total profit that the cows have made during any consecutive time period. (Note that a consecutive time period can range in length from one day through N days.) Help him by writing a program to calculate the largest sum of consecutive profits.

HBC24613选人[USACO 2011 Jan S]Profits题解

标签: HBC24613选人[USACO 2011 Jan S]Profits题解