HBC237192[ZJOI2015]诸神眷顾的幻想乡,后缀自动机(SAM),字符串Free Kick题解

爱的那么颓废 算法基础篇 62 0
PaiGuDragon is playing in a football match and is ready to take a free kick. The goal range is the line segment from point A(0,0)A(0,0)A(0,0) to point B(L,0)BB(L,0) The position of the free kick of the PaiGuDragon is P(x,y)PP(x,y). It is guaranteed that y,Ly,Ly,L arepositive integers. Take football as a particle, then the angle between PAPAPA and PBPBPB is goal angle. Now, the opponent of PaiGuDragon plans to stand in a line segment CDCDCD as a human wall. The length of the human wall is w(w

PaiGuDragon is playing in a football match and is ready to take a free kick. The goal range is the line segment from point A(0,0)A(0,0)A(0,0) to point B(L,0)B(L, 0)B(L,0) The position of the free kick of the PaiGuDragon is P(x,y)P(x, y)P(x,y). It is guaranteed that y,Ly,Ly,L are positive integers. Take football as a particle, then the angle between PAPAPA and PBPBPB is goal angle. Now, the opponent of PaiGuDragon plans to stand in a line segment CDCDCD as a human wall. The length of the human wall is w(w

HBC237192[ZJOI2015]诸神眷顾的幻想乡,后缀自动机(SAM),字符串Free Kick题解

标签: HBC237192[ZJOI2015]诸神眷顾的幻想乡 后缀自动机(SAM) 字符串Free Kick题解