HBC51409甜甜圈,数据结构,线段树,树状数组subsequence 1题解

水水月牙 算法基础篇 100 0
You are given two strings s and t composed by digits . The length of s is n and the length of t is m. The first character of both s and t aren't '0'. Please calculate the number of valid subsequences of s that are larger than t if viewed as positive integers. A subsequence is valid if and only if its first character is not '0'. Two subsequences are different if they are composed of different locations in the original string. For example, string "1223" has2 different subsequences "23". Because the answer may be huge, please output the answer modulo 998244353.

You are given two strings s and t composed by digits (characters '0' ∼sim∼ '9'). The length of s is n and the length of t is m. The first character of both s and t aren't '0'. Please calculate the number of valid subsequences of s that are larger than t if viewed as positive integers. A subsequence is valid if and only if its first character is not '0'. Two subsequences are different if they are composed of different locations in the original string. For example, string "1223" has 2 different subsequences "23". Because the answer may be huge, please output the answer modulo 998244353.

HBC51409甜甜圈,数据结构,线段树,树状数组subsequence 1题解

标签: HBC51409甜甜圈 数据结构 线段树 树状数组subsequence 1题解