
初见你 算法基础篇 47 0
Your are given n sets.Every set contains some integers. We say a set can express an integer, only when there exists a subset of the set such that the bitwise-xor of the elements in the subset is equal to that integer. Now you need to answer m queries. Each query will give you three integers l,r,x and you should answer if for everyi∈[l,r]i in [l,r]i∈[l,r] ,the i-th set can express x.

Your are given n sets.Every set contains some integers. We say a set can express an integer, only when there exists a subset of the set such that the bitwise-xor of the elements in the subset is equal to that integer. Now you need to answer m queries. Each query will give you three integers l,r,x and you should answer if for every i∈[l,r]i in [l,r]i∈[l,r] ,the i-th set can express x.


标签: HBC50915箭形图案 语言题xor题解