ID 1601多重循环Davor题解 (每日一词:kunas)

素流年 算法基础篇 33 0
After successfully conquering the South Pole, Davor is preparing for new challenges. Next up is the Arctic expedition to Siberia, Greenland and Norway. He begins his travels on 31 December 2018, and needs to collect N kunas by then. In order to do this, he has decided to put away X kunas every Monday to his travel fund, X + K kunas every Tuesday, X + 2* K every Wednesday, and so on until Sunday, when he will put away X + 6* K kunas. This way, he will collect money for 52 weeks, starting with 1 January 2018 until 30 December 2018 .

After successfully conquering the South Pole, Davor is preparing for new challenges. Next up is the Arctic expedition to Siberia, Greenland and Norway. He begins his travels on 31 December 2018, and needs to collect ​N kunas (Croatian currency) by then. In order to do this, he has decided to put away ​X (​X ≤ 100) kunas every Monday to his travel fund, ​X + K kunas every Tuesday, ​X + 2* ​K every Wednesday, and so on until Sunday, when he will put away ​X + 6* ​K kunas. This way, he will collect money for 52 weeks, starting with 1 January 2018 (Monday) until 30 December 2018 (Sunday).

ID 1601多重循环Davor题解

标签: ID 1601多重循环Davor题解