HBC223552[NOIP2000]乘积最大,动态规划,NOIP复赛CoinStacks题解 (每日一词:stack)

上官魅 算法基础篇 53 0
A and B are playing a collaborative game that involves n stacks of coins, numbered from 1 to n. Every round of the game, they select a nonempty stack each, but they are not allowed to choose the same stack. They then remove a coin from both the two selected stacks and then the next round begins. The players win the game if they manage to remove all the coins. Is it possible for them to win the game, and if it is, how should they play?

A and B are playing a collaborative game that involves n stacks of coins, numbered from 1 to n. Every round of the game, they select a nonempty stack each, but they are not allowed to choose the same stack. They then remove a coin from both the two selected stacks and then the next round begins. The players win the game if they manage to remove all the coins. Is it possible for them to win the game, and if it is, how should they play?


标签: HBC223552[NOIP2000]乘积最大 动态规划 NOIP复赛CoinStacks题解