HBC15542Big Boss题解

不可一世的小女人 算法基础篇 67 0
Many years later, Rainbow Island is in the mercy of big boss qiami. Big boss qiami is fond of number 9 because each side of the magic cube is made up of 9 small pieces and he changes the face value of circulating currency to 90,91,92,93,94Yuan. One day programmer Uucloud went to a shop to buy Cat food worth n Yuan. The shopkeeper NoMoreWords and Uucloud are good friends so he will give Uucloud his change. Uucloud wants to know how many bills do they need in their trade at least. For example, if Uucloud wants to buy cat food of 8 Yuan, he will pay a 9 Yuan bill and NoMoreWords will give Uucloud 1 Yuan bill as change. Two paper money are used in this trade.

Many years later, Rainbow Island is in the mercy of big boss qiami. Big boss qiami is fond of number 9 because each side of the magic cube is made up of 9 small pieces and he changes the face value of circulating currency to 90,91,92,93,94 Yuan. One day programmer Uucloud went to a shop to buy Cat food worth n Yuan. The shopkeeper NoMoreWords and Uucloud are good friends so he will give Uucloud his change. Uucloud wants to know how many bills do they need in their trade at least. For example, if Uucloud wants to buy cat food of 8 Yuan, he will pay a 9 Yuan bill and NoMoreWords will give Uucloud 1 Yuan bill as change. Two paper money are used in this trade.

HBC15542Big Boss题解

标签: HBC15542Big Boss题解