HBC237070恶魔果实,图论,最短路,深度优先搜索(DFS),搜索Tree Division题解

上官魅 算法基础篇 81 0
t is valid, if you can divide the. B, so that the following condition would hold:. You need to find out whether the node

You are given a tree of n n nodes, the i-th node has value a_i a i ​ . Define a node t t is valid, if you can divide the n n nodes into two sets A A and B B, so that the following condition would hold: forall u,vin A(uneq v) ∀u,v∈A(u  ​ =v), if u u is on the path from t t to v v, then a_ua_v a u ​ >a v ​ You need to find out whether the node 1 1 is valid.

HBC237070恶魔果实,图论,最短路,深度优先搜索(DFS),搜索Tree Division题解

标签: HBC237070恶魔果实 图论 最短路 深度优先搜索(DFS) 搜索Tree Division题解