HBC235267[SDOI2008]SUE的小球,动态规划,区间dp,记忆化搜索,动态规划星球大战题解 这是一场残酷的战争,数百万人的人失去生命、流离失所,摧毁了一连串的城市,为了阻止外星人的入侵,让我们轰炸它们的基地, 在现有的科技水平下,这似乎不是一件困难的事情,然而,你将遇到... 算法基础篇 2023-11-24 61 #HBC235267[SDOI2008]SUE的小球 #动态规划 #区间dp #记忆化搜索 #动态规划星球大战题解
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HBC233738[SCOI2003]字符串折叠,区间dp,动态规划A highway and the seven dwarfs题解 Once upon a time, there was a land where several families of dwarfs were living. This land was calle... 算法基础篇 2023-11-14 41 #HBC233738[SCOI2003]字符串折叠 #区间dp #动态规划A highway and the seven dwarfs题解
HBC230858[HAOI2008]玩具取名,区间dp,动态规划Encoded Strings II题解 Tommy has just invented an interesting string encoding algorithm, which is described below.... 基本结构 2023-11-08 99 #HBC230858[HAOI2008]玩具取名 #区间dp #动态规划Encoded Strings II题解