HBC223930[NOI2003]文本编辑器,平衡树,数据结构HParaglidersandAircraft题解 A friend of yours is a paraglider pilot who flies at Tiger Mountain outside of Seattle, WA. The... 算法基础篇 2023-11-13 80 #HBC223930[NOI2003]文本编辑器 #平衡树 #数据结构HParaglidersandAircraft题解
HBC230856[HAOI2008]排名系统,平衡树,字符串hash,伸展树Splay,数据结构,字符串Encoded Strings I题解 Tommy has just invented an interesting string encoding algorithm, which is described below. Fo... 算法基础篇 2023-11-12 96 #HBC230856[HAOI2008]排名系统 #平衡树 #字符串hash #伸展树Splay #数据结构 #字符串Encoded Strings I题解
HBC236506[ZJOI2006]BOOK 书架,平衡树,数据结构Blocks题解 Painting is always a boring job. There are nnn blocks on an infinite two-dimensional plane. Each bl... 算法基础篇 2023-11-12 43 #HBC236506[ZJOI2006]BOOK 书架 #平衡树 #数据结构Blocks题解
HBC232530[JLOI2011]不重复数字,哈希,平衡树,数据结构Color题解 nnn个珠子组成的项链,用nnn种颜色染色,能够组成多少种不同的项链, 答案可能很大,请输出modpmod pmodp后的结果。... 算法基础篇 2023-11-12 44 #HBC232530[JLOI2011]不重复数字 #哈希 #平衡树 #数据结构Color题解
HBC243739神器大师泰兹瑞与威穆,平衡树,数据结构Forest of Magic题解 English Statement (PDF . 中文题面 (PDF ... 算法基础篇 2023-11-11 49 #HBC243739神器大师泰兹瑞与威穆 #平衡树 #数据结构Forest of Magic题解
HBC225356Shuffle Cards,平衡树,数据结构Agamemnon’s Odyssey题解 Agamemnon, the great king of Mycenae, was assembling his troops in Aulis to sail to the shores of... 算法基础篇 2023-11-11 46 #HBC225356Shuffle Cards #平衡树 #数据结构Agamemnon’s Odyssey题解